This week was rather busy! It started off with a great zone conference in Gubbängen! We learned that our mission will be becoming a "technology mission" which means that each missionary will have their own Samsung phone and we will be able to use apps like Facebook, AreaBook, and others to help with missionary work! Each companionship in the mission shares an iPhone right now, so those will be replaced by the Samsungs. The first half of zone conference was watching training videos on how to use the phones for missionary work. It was by President Bednar and everything he said was absolutly amazing! The work of the Lord is continuing to progress and we will be able to reach so many more people now! Our mission is excited for the change! The new phones will come next zone conference.

After zone conference, I started splits with one of the zone leaders, Äldste Martineau! He is from Kaysville, too, and loves Davis High. We had a great time talking about teachers, classes, and people that we remembered. We also met a great man from Croatia on the tunnelbana. We talked to him for a long time about families and even passed up our stop so that we could keep talking to im. Hopefully we can meet him again soon!
Thursday was weekly planning! We also met with a man who called us and asked if he could learn more about our church. It was cool to teach him, he already knew a ton from what he had read on the Church's website. He also had some interesting questions that stemmed from his research on non-Church web pages.
Splits happened again on Saturday! I went to the office to be with Äldste Liljenquist and Äldste Jarmin. The third companon in their trio, Äldste Harper, came to Jakobsberg. It was fun to be in the office and to get some of the "inside knowledge" on the new phones.

We handed out copies of Mormons Bok at The Book of Mormon Musical again! It was fun for people to realize that we were real missionaries. Elder Petersen and I talked to two ladies that came to Stockholm specifically to see the musical again, they had seen it together in England. One was from France and the other from west Sweden. They were happy to receive the real book and to talk to us about being missionaries!
Elder Petersen and I got to teach Gospel Principles yesterday at church!. We taught the first lesson, "Our Heavenly Father." It was so great to prepare for the lesson and to ponder on the amazing knowledge that we have a Father in Heaven who loves us, who we can trust, who reveals his will to prophets and to us personally, who is perfect, who does answer prayers, and who wants us to come back to Him someday! I am grateful for our Savior Jesus Christ who makes that possible!
Ha det så jättebra!
Äldste Francis
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