Åldste Francis in the Sweden Stockholm Mission

Åldste Francis in the Sweden Stockholm Mission

Monday, March 25, 2019

Växjö Week 10 - March 25, 2019

Another awesome week! Another fast week.

Elder Childs gave his first talk in Swedish yesterday. He did a great job. He spoke about missionary work and was pretty bold about asking the members to share the Gospel with those they know. One part of his talk that I really liked was when he shared a quote from President Geroge Albert Smith. President Smith talked about how we are first and foremost missionaries. For Elder Childs and I, it is pretty obvious that our first and foremost purpose right now is being missionaries, but President Smith was talking to the members as well! We have a wonderful gift in the Gospel. The speaker after Elder Childs talked about how having knowledge about the Gospel of Jesus Christ really is a gift. She explained, however, that it is not like a gift of money that we would put into a safe and guard, it is like a puzzle piece. Everyone is given a puzzle piece and we have to share so that the whole puzzle can be put together! I thought that was an intriguing idea.

We had three lessons with the branch president and his wife this week! It was a huge blessing to have them in on those lessons. They live about an hour outside of Växjö, so they don't come to the city very often. Last Sunday, they told us that they would be in town on Friday and that they would love to help out with a lesson. We were able to schedule two for them to be on. It is so good to teach with members!! Both of those lessons were highlights of my mission. One of them was with a man we have been teaching for about six weeks. He loves the Gospel and has been coming to church, meeting us, and studying on his own consistently. The lesson we had that day was about the Priesthood, and it was so cool to see as this man understood the principle. President Stokes showed him a card he had that showed that the authority we have in the church is traced directly back to Jesus Christ. The man we were teaching was so happy when he understood that.

About two weeks ago, Elder Childs and I met these two cute little kids and their mom. I don't think that we talked to the mom when we met them, but we became great friends with the kids and were pleasantly surprised to see them at the same bus stop on Saturday! We got to talk with their mother this time. She asked a ton of questions about being a missionary and said that she would love to take her kids to our church! We hope and pray that they all come this Sunday.

We were on splits with the Malmö elders again! I got to be with Elder Jarman. We had an incredible day. I'll share two of the cool things that happened: We had some time while waiting at a bus stop and decided to use it by calling some people that had been taught by missionaries before. The first person we called was not interested at first! But then we asked if she would be interested in having a meeting over video chat. She was! So we were able to set up a lesson with this lady that was super not interested at first! Technology has really blessed our mission. The other cool experience was that we got in contact with a man Elder Buckley and I taught a few times. He was happy to see us again and said we could meet the next day! We did, then we were able to meet him again on Friday (with the branch president). I am grateful for Elder Jarman, he is a great missionary and it was a blessing to have him here in Växjö.

And we went to Malmö again! The Malmö elders have been teaching a wonderful lady who accepted the invitation to be baptized. I conducted the baptismal interview on Saturday. This lady is so prepared. She will be baptized next Saturday! 

Have a great week!


Äldste Francis

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