Åldste Francis in the Sweden Stockholm Mission

Åldste Francis in the Sweden Stockholm Mission

Monday, March 20, 2017

A Mission Call Arrives!

 Sam's call came in the mail on Thursday. Here's the re-cap from a letter to Ben from Nettie:

March 19, 2017
Dear Ben,

On Wednesday the weather was gorgeous! For the first time! It was about 65 degrees. We thought Sam's mission call might come, so Autie and I waited at the mailbox for a while but the mail was three hours late!!! We got really sunburned. Sister Peterson and Dax were driving around the neighborhood looking for the mail truck too. Dax turned in his mission papers the same day as Sam. It was kind of fun! Well, no mission call, so we settled in for the evening and waited for another day.

Thursday was another gorgeous day. Papa worked from home helping with the cement pour of our back patio. At 1 o'clock the mail arrived! It was way early!!! Autie and I were waiting out by the street and sure enough Sam's Mission Call arrived! We started screaming and jumping up and down. It was so exciting!!! 

Luckily Sam came home from school early that day and we left his call in the mailbox for him. Emma had to go to work at 5, so we invited the families to come at 4 to open it. It was Grammy and Grandpa Joe, Aunt Amy and Brandon and Shane, Aunt Linda and Holly and Anna. The Hunsakers were all Skyping in. It was such a special experience.  

We sang a few songs and then Grandpa Joe offered a prayer. Then Sam opened his call! He was shaking!!! He took a moment to open it and then he looked right at the assignment and then he stood up and started testifying that he knew he was called to that mission by God! Then he read his call out loud and we all immediately screamed and shouted and cried in awe! Sweden Stockholm Mission! Then he kept reading and when he read the date we all started crying and shouting again in awe and wonder!

Our prayer was answered!!! I was wondering how in the world we could fit two missionaries coming and going into a summer with Philmont and the jamboree (just like 2015) and yet the Lord in his wisdom gave us all of the right dates. The date of your homecoming and the date of Sam's leaving are so perfect! I can hardly believe it. It is such a tender mercy!!! We are so excited. Also, I hope Sam told you about the personal witness he had that he is going to the right mission. He had a dream the night before that he was going to Sweden and he just felt so happy and peaceful. That same morning I had had the thought that he would go to Sweden. We shared our thoughts but didn't dwell anthem too much. But they were obviously inspiration. What a tender mercy. 

There are so many blessings involved. And, I'm grateful to think that you will feel connected to Sam's mission as well! What a blessing.

Here's what I put on Facebook: Elder Sam Francis, called to serve in the Sweden Stockholm Mission! Leaving one week after Elder Ben Francis returns from the Denmark Copenhagen Mission! A tender mercy for this Missionary Mom! 😌 We sure love our Scandinavian-serving sons.

We have had over 360 likes on the post and dozens of comments! Everyone is so excited for both you and Sam!!! What a tremendous blessing.

We have been on cloud 9 since he opened his call. I am so excited to hear your reaction. I'm sure you will be shouting and singing in the library!!!!! We already have plans for the entire week that we will be here together. We will for sure get a family picture and also go to the temple as a family hopefully several times. Also, the bishop also confirmed that Sam will give his farewell address the same Sunday you give your homecoming address!!! It just seems like such a tender mercy. And it will be right between Philmont and the Jamboree.

So, that is the great news of the week. Heavenly Father knows us and loves us. He is aware of our needs. He is aware of you in Denmark. You and Sam will be bonded for the rest of your lives through your missions. I'm so grateful you will see each other again and always be able to compare notes and relate to each other.


Sam re-opened his call later that evening when his friends came over. His close friend, Bryant Jepsen, had also opened his call earlier in the day. Together Bryant and Sam opened their calls and...Bryant was called to Denmark! The entire room erupted with the realization that Bryant and Sam would be serving together in Scandinavia! They left for the MTC just one week apart. Another tender mercy and miracle of the day.

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