Åldste Francis in the Sweden Stockholm Mission

Åldste Francis in the Sweden Stockholm Mission

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Boden Week 4 - September 25, 2017

Hej san! 

Sweden is so beautiful right now! The leaves turn brighter and brighter every day. Today, the sun came out! It has been pretty rainy/cloudy the past few days so it was nice to see some blue sky!

Tuesday morning was one of the most effective contacting times that Elder Harris and I have had yet. We didn't get anyone'e number or anything like that, but we were let into a house! A nice lady named Monica from New York answered her door when we knocked. After talking on the doorstep for a few minutes, she asked if we wanted any coffee or tea (we had water instead). She also invited us inside out of the cold! We told her all about what what we do as missionaries. In the end, Monica said that she and her husband were pretty busy and active with their own church, but it was cool to talk to someone with American English and cool that someone let us in! When we were done visiting, she said that she had let us in because she thought it was so great to hear American English again, but I like to think that she felt the Spirit. I know that Elder Harris and I are directed to the people we need to talk to everyday and that even if people don't turn into investigators, we are still spreading the light of the Gospel.  

Also! I had 2 meals at member's homes this week! The Dahqvist's home on Wednesday and the Tapawni's  home on Sunday. At church on Sunday, Syster Dahqvist told us about how her son hasn't been active in church for a while. He also isn't home that much because he is in the Swedish Army, but he was there when we had the dinner! She was so thankful that we were able to come and to talk to him.

On Thursday, our whole district took a bus to Umeå for my first Zone Conference! It was so fun to see other missionaries. I saw Syster Datwyler from Kaysville who I ran with on the Davis Cross Country team! I also worked with her at Cherry Hill. Elder Callor, the other Kaysvillite, also saw her. Elder Callor and Syster Datwyler are actually neighbors! It is so neat that there are 3 people from Kaysville in the Norrland Zone! The conference was wonderful. President and Syster Youngberg are both so loving and even funny. One of my favorite things that President said was 'when I get old, I want to have wrinkles in the shape of smile.' He invited us as missionaries to be happier! With the knowledge that we have, why would we not be? I left Zone Conference feeling spiritually recharged and re committed to be the best missionary I can be!

One of the coolest parts of this week was Petrus and Sabina! Elder Harris met them last transfer while contacting in the pouring rain. We saw them again a few weeks ago and exchanged phone numbers, then this week Petrus texted us! Both him and his girlfriend are Swedish but they love speaking English. We have met with them twice now and they want to come to church with us. Petrus doesn't know if he believes in God and Sabina says she does. It has been so exciting to meet with people who have sincere questions for us and who are interested in learning more!

Precious and Tosin, two new members in the branch

I hope that you all have a great week and a wonderful time watching General Conference!

Äldste Francis

Note from Elder Harris to his family: This week we had some pretty cool miracles. I feel like I've grown a lot from Elder Francis. He has only been a missionary for 4 weeks but he has so much knowledge and determination to convert the world, and it's contagious. I love it :)

So this week we were able to meet with Petrus and his girlfriend Sabina, and teach them the Restoration. They are so sincere!  I just bore my testimony that I knew God was there because I have felt his love for me so much, and I can never deny it. I testified about truthfulness of our message as well, and it brought a warmth to my heart and tears to my eyes.
Äldste Francis followed with his powerful testimony, and we all sat there for a little soaking in the spirit. It was amazing. I know they felt it, because they pointed it out. It was a miracle, they want to keep learning, and I know they will continue to progress! I'm very excited.

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