Åldste Francis in the Sweden Stockholm Mission

Åldste Francis in the Sweden Stockholm Mission

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Boden Week 12 - November 20, 2017

Transfer calls! Elder Harris and I will be spending another 6 weeks here in Boden together! 
You will meet him on Skype! It is rare to have a trainer stay 3 transfers but President Youngberg is having it happen more often. I am really happy about it. Elder Harris and I have become best friends.

I went to Skellefteå for splits with Elder Callor on Wednesday! We have both been out for 12 weeks now! We contacted and taught all by ourselves. It was a good growing experience and so fun to be with Elder Callor again.

District Conference was on Saturday and Sunday in Umeå! Elder Harris and I stayed in Luleå and watched the broadcast. There were some really great talks and a visiting General Seventy! I have no idea what his name is, but he is from France. He shared some very cool stories about getting the approval to build the Paris France Temple, and the message of his talk was based on the Europe Area Plan which encourages Church memebers to take a friend to church, be spiritually and temporally self reliant, and find the name of an ancestor to take to the temple. I left the conference feeling an awakened desire to share the Gospel with everyone and do be a better missionary!

Elder Harris and I were going by the homes of several less active members and we felt prompted to go to the home of a member family, the Dahlqvists, that lived in the area. We wanted to follow up with the member mission plan we set up with them. It happened that we were able to see their less active son who we have been trying to fellowship! He is in the military and is not home very often. Syster Dahlqvist said that it was inspired that we came by at the time we did!

Other cool things from this week... We had lunch with Ming and Lin Lin, the newest members of the Luleå branch! They made Chinese dumplings! One morning, Elder Harris and I went out and scraped snow off of people's cars! We got a baptismal date with an investigator, Jakob! Jan. 20, 2018! There was a mission wide video conference where President Youngberg told us all about the 'Christmas Initiative.' We are going to be following the Church's 'Light the World' program and spread the light of the Gospel in special ways this December!

We got a foot of snow! It snowed for 48 hours straight and it's been snowing off and on since then. We've got a good 8-12 inches. It also started snowing a few minutes ago. This week it is only supposed to be -15 C, but come late December it's supposed to be -25C to -30C apparently. (-13F to -22F)

I can't believe Elder David Bell saw Papa when he was in Alaska... That is so neat!

Go Baden! Nice job on your play!

Scruptious Sweden at the Delightful Diner last week sounds pretty traditional for Elder Harris and I! We sometimes buy fish sticks from the store!

I do miss the temple actually... We will be going to Stockholm in December so I am hoping and praying that Elder Harris and I will have the chance to go to the House of the Lord then.

HOLY COW EMMA! She is a STERLING SCHOLAR!! WOW! Emma is going to have one great resume for BYU!! 

I am sorry about my hair... Tell Hyrum that he can cut his like this the next time he is in Sweden and a Persian man cuts his hair and neither him or the Persian man can speak Swedish!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 


Äldste Francis

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