Elder Sam called us at 7am on Christmas Day! The minute we saw his face on the screen a huge cheer erupted from the family! It was so good to see him. He absolutely glowed through the screen. We briefly met Elder Harris as well and it was good to see his companion in person. He has been such an amazing trainer and now best friend to Sam.
Sam told us he only had 40 minutes to speak! We were sad but glad that he is so obedient. :)
We took a few minutes to ask him some questions and discovered that he and Elder Harris take turns: each day one of them drives the car and one of them carries the phone. Sam also told us that Boden is quite small, so right now they walk to appointments or to go tracting unless they have the car that half of the week. They don't ride their bikes in the cold and snow. He sees President Youngberg once a transfer and also meets with the other district members in person once a transfer. Otherwise they hold district meeting via Skype. He reported that the plane flight to Stockholm is about an hour. We had so many other questions to ask but the time flew by!