Åldste Francis in the Sweden Stockholm Mission

Åldste Francis in the Sweden Stockholm Mission

Monday, December 10, 2018

Haninge Week 13 - December 10, 2018


This week was so good. Here are a few quick highlights!

Amir was baptized on Saturday! He was extremely happy to "äntligen bli medlem," and I've never seem him smile so much. Amir was contacted by my MTC companion, Elder Wayment, and Elder Burns' MTC companion, Elder Youngberg, sometime in June. A few months ago! He has had a long, patient journey and was finally able to enter the waters of baptism on Saturday. I'm not sure I've ever loved someone I've taught more than I love Amir! He is so pure and has so much faith. His baptism was well attended and it seems like the ward will take good care of him.

About two months ago on splits, Elder Bills and I tracted into a young adult named Cody. We talked with him for a few minutes and ended up inviting him to read the testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith. I had unfortunately forgotten about Cody until Elder Bills asked about him on our most recent splits. During this last week, we were in Cody's area and I had the thought that we could invite him to the ward Christmas concert. We had been inviting people we talked to. We invited him, and guess what? He came!!!!! He had a great experience and even reconnected with some member friends. He told us that before Elder Bills and I had come and knocked on his door two months ago he had prayed for guidance from God. He became "more spiritual" a few years ago and claims that out of all of the religions he know, his friends who are members of this church actually practice what they preach. He says that in high school he always felt good going to their houses because it was "relaxing. They weren't trying to sell me anything." Cody says that he wants to learn more about the church! It's a miracle!

Well, this ended up being kind of short but I'll close with a thought. Lately, I have been having the thought "look for the good." When I have that thought, I try to think back to the things that have happened during the day and remember all of the good experiences. There are good things everyday! People that we were able to meet because we were somewhere at just the right time, members that we were able to lift, funny things that happened. 

There are good things every single day! It's been good for me to recognize that. Unfortunately, it's too easy to forget that good happens if we don't make a conscious effort to remember it. I know that the Lord Jesus Christ directs His work. There are many things from this week that are recorded in my journal, and I will share them with you someday, but I'm sorry we are short on time! Miracles are happening! Have a great week of December!


Äldste Francis

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