Åldste Francis in the Sweden Stockholm Mission

Åldste Francis in the Sweden Stockholm Mission

Monday, June 17, 2019

Växjö Week 22 - June 17, 2019

Wow! Växjö week 22!

It's been another awesome week. I'll just give a few quick highlights:

We had Family Home Evening at a member's house! We were there with two of the people we are teaching, and it was a fabulous way for them to build connections with members. Part of the evening was a lesson led by Elder Olson and I, and we had everyone turn to the scriptures to read a few verses as part of it. It felt really special to be in the living room at a member's house with people we are teaching reading from the scriptures. It just seemed like a classic missionary moment that I won't always get to be a part of in the same way!

I was on splits for my last time as a missionary! I was with Elder Callor here in Växjö. This was so cool because we were on splits together many times as new missionaries up in Skellefteå and Boden, so it was crazy to reminisce on how things have changed. We had a truly great day of finding and teaching. 

Elder Olson and I met a great lady named Anna-Grete! We talked to her at her door early in the week and then were able to go back to her house on Friday to talk more. She has so many questions about what we believe, she is truly seeking for truth herself and it's great to see her sincerity. Please pray for her!

We got to teach Björn again! He had read in 2 Nephi 2 and was fascinated with verse 11. We tied it in to the Plan of Salvation which seemed to work out well. He mentioned that he found the pamphlet "For the Strength of Youth" on the Church's website. Elder Olson happened to have a copy in Swedish with him, so we were able to give it to Björn. I've never met someone who was so happy to get a copy of that book! He said that the values in the book were exactly what he wanted his kids to follow, and he said that they apply to everyone regardless of age. Björn seems to love everything he learns about the church. It's inspiring to see.

Elder Olson and I set up two or three daily goals each day, and yesterday we felt that we should set the goal to "find the one" during a block of time where we would be focused on finding people to teach while on the bus. We definitely found the one! We started talking to a man at the bus stop and then ended up riding the same bus as he did. After talking about the Gospel and testifying to him he started crying. He explained that a few years ago, his mother and father had both passed away within two weeks of each other. Elder Olson and I were able to testify about God's plan of happiness for us after he said that, and it was another really special missionary moment.

Have a great week!

Äldste Francis

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