Åldste Francis in the Sweden Stockholm Mission

Åldste Francis in the Sweden Stockholm Mission

Monday, September 17, 2018

Haninge Week 1 - September 17, 2018

Elder Hansen and Elder Francis
Not being in Jakobsberg feels strange! But Haninge is awesome, I already love this place! It's pretty small geographically yet we cover two huge wards (Handen and Vendelsö). Elder Hansen and I attended both of their sacrament meetings yesterday, we were at the church until 4 pm! The building is one of the newest in Sweden, it was completed around two years ago and the chapel looks a lot like the one way back home in Kaysville, Utah. Both of the wards are pretty big, around 120 to 150 members attend Handen each week and around 100 come to Vendelsö. I had the chance to meet a lot of them at church yesterday and I am so excited to get to know them better! There are quite a few families with young kids in the wards, I look forward to the primary programs coming up soon!

Our beautiful chapel
We saw a deer!
A little more on my new companion: Elder Ossian Hansen grew up in San Francisco, California and is the second oldest of 6 kids. He went to high school at American Fork and played basketball there. He is also way good at soccer, tennis, hunting, playing the piano, and a whole bunch of other things! We've had some fun morning workouts together. I've been impressed this week at how in tune Elder Hansen is with the Holy Ghost, we have been lead to some people and places in the past few days thanks to his diligence in following the promptings he receives.
The past week has been full of way more member meals than I am used to, some great bus contacting, and some cloudy skies. Winter is already on its way!! We live in the coolest apartment! I miss Kallhäll of course but the house here is full of missionary luxuries, namely our own private washer and dryer plus a cool loft in the attic where we sleep.
Solo pendeltåg trip down to Handen

I had the chance to speak in the Handen ward yesterday, the topic was President Monson's talk from the October 2015 General Conference titled "Var ett föredöme och ett ljus" ("Be an Example and a Light"). I shared the story of how I moved to Luleå one year ago and experienced decreasing hours of sunlight as the winter came on. I explained that when the light began to come back, I realized that I had forgotten how it felt to have more that a few hours of sunlight each day! I testified that as the world gets darker, we have the opportunity to be lights as members of the restored Church of Jesus Christ. Many people have forgotten (kind of like I did in Luleå) how it feels to live life with light, spiritual light, and many have never experienced it. We can be examples, as President Monson explains, by being "examples in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, and in purity" (1 Tim. 4:12). 

Have a great week everyone!

Mycket kärlek,

Äldste Francis

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